A Christian’s View of 2022 - #8
Statesmanship- appears to be vacant and void in the Canadian arena today.
Statesmanship is the delicate balance between opposing positions that rises above the clamour and conflict to bring resolution.
The Statesman has no ego invested, no enemy identified and no agenda to promote.
He/she listens to understand, discovers common views and values and draws divided parties to consensus and constructive compromise.
One can be a politician, a partisan, Premier or Prime Minister and never rise to meet the measure that is necessary to negotiate and navigate the deep divides and differences in our nation.
Politicians try to make points but not peace. They choose power over problem solving.
How poverty stricken is a Parliament without statesmanship!
One Statesmen is worth a hundred politicians.
Emergency powers? That’s easy to enact; but, will leave deeper division and distrust.
Statesmanship? That’s hard to achieve but heals a nation and gives dignity to people in pain.
To rise above the fray, to create a path forward through the chaos and distrust - is the high and noble task that’s so much in demand.
If the goal is to play the blame game - who wins? Certainly not Canada!
If the goal is to promote political agenda - who wins? Certainly not Canada!
If the goal is to prove who is more stubborn and set - who wins? Certainly not Canada!
Reconciliation, Restoration - these are ideals that unite and turn swords into plowing shears.
Families, Churches, relational divides are too-toxic, and, grace- filled talking is almost taboo!
As never before we need to lay down our wounded egos and pride, our need-driven platforms to re-enforce our righteous stands and reach out to heal and love each other.
It’s called Statesmanship and mature leadership - the alternative is not acceptable, simply too far beneath both the Canadian and the Christian.
Randy B. Leavitt