A Christian’s View of 2022 - # 9

A madman from Moscow - A comedian turned President - A Liberty-loving population of 40 million plus - a God who reigns sovereignly over the nations - put them all together and you have a summary of the last week.

Three lessons to embrace:

It’s a small world after all

We’re all Ukrainian, united by scenes of suffering and vulnerability. We all bleed blue and yellow.

Mothers with a message of desperation have awakened the world and the lone voice of a national leader has inspired a nation.

Zelenskyy has been elevated and Putin has been humiliated.

Power is not enough to conquer the human spirit and national patriotism survives the dark and dangerous night and is still breathing at Dawn.

It’s a fragile world after all.

It takes more than military might, money and materialism to make or break a family, a city or a nation.

Most of the western world has grown a “soft belly.” We are offended by the insignificant, outraged by inconvenient and oblivious to the really important.

We are held together by relational ties that connect our souls and create social contracts that endure the wounds and wars that threaten to push people into the shadows on history.

No, real estate, riches and being right is not enough - relationship is at the core of life itself.

It’s a free world after all

We are created with a DNA that cannot exist without freedom. It’s the air we breathe and; it sings with each beat of the heart.

Vladimir Putin failed to calculate this freedom- factor in Ukraine.

Kyiv might fall but the fight for Freedom cannot be covered by concrete or collapsed buildings.

It is inherent in the human experience and lives long after the tyrants and brutish dictators have returned to the dust.

So, the week welcomes the wounded and the weary to a new level of living, to a new focus on family and relationship and to a new embrace of the eternal.

Randy B. Leavitt


A Christian View of 2022 - #10


A Christian’s View of 2022 - #8