A Christian’s View of 2022 - #7

There is a thin line between civil protest and subversion.

The First is applauded and is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The second is driven by political agenda and an appetite for power.

The First is what we have witnessed this week.

The Second is what we have witnessed this week.

The First is based on the God-given desire for freedom and justice.

The Second is based on a doctrine that cannot be defended by scripture and must not be demanded by those who would follow our Saviour and Lord.

I fear that those who embrace the “Dominion Now” theology have piggybacked on the back of passionate and patriotic truckers to promote their theological, prophetic perspective and world view.

Dominion Now - the belief that God will create national and global governments to prepare the way for the Coming King.

It calls for the overthrow of elected, political leaders to install a “righteous” theocratic government.

This is further exasperated by the wanna-be- prophets who pretend to speak the Word from God to camouflage their own political ambitions and agendas.

Personally, I support and celebrate the vast majority of those who peacefully protest the mandates and heavy-handed tactics of federal, provincial and municipal politicians.

However, when it is highjacked by zealous religious leaders to over throw a duly elected Prime Minister and Parliament in order to establish a righteous regime then you wade into the troubled waters of Dominion Now heresy.

The call for national revival to grow from the seeds of unrest and frustration over the Pandemic and political response is at the best naive; and at worst - dishonest and deceptive!

There were 6,000,000 slaves in the Roman Empire when Paul wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.

Is slavery tolerated? Is it tyrannical? Is it unjust?

Did the Apostle, one time, tell the church to “RISE UP” to free the slaves?

Did the Apostle, one time , tell the Church to march to Rome to topple the Caesar and the Senate?

No! Why? He knew that God’s kingdom would not be physically, politically, governmentally manifested on earth until the King would come back again!

He knew that we wrestle not against flesh and blood …

How does one climb down a mountain? How does one deescalate? Is there a way to go home from the battle?

Yes! Not in defeat, not in discouragement, No!

One leaves the scenes and sites of spiritual warfare:

  • Knowing he/she has done the Will of God.

  • Knowing that what has been accomplished will continue to impact

  • Knowing that we can leave the results to God.

The assembled army goes home in honour, in humility and with thanksgiving.

The Trucker Movement will be logged into the history records of our nation - it is my prayer that it’s closing chapters will bring glory to our Sovereign Lord by having the grace to climb down the mountain of national attention and media madness to return home knowing that they have contributed hope and healing to a wounded nation.

Randy B. Leavitt


A Christian’s View of 2022 - #8


A Christiaan’s View of 2022 - #6