Christian View 2022 - #15
Easter has not been erased from 2022.
It’s victory and vision has not disappeared in the carnage of Ukraine, has not been diminished in today’s cancel culture nor has it been diluted by contemporary conditions that prevail in our wounded world.
Easter - not the rabbit and egg version - but the resurrection of Jesus Christ out from among the dead and His exaltation to His Father’s right hand - is the hope that our hurting hearts desperately need.
Easter has three stories to tell:
1. The impossible is possible.
Easter invites us to the gloriously impossible! A rock-cave sepulcher, a watch of Roman soldiers and royal seal, a stone rolled to keep a corpse in and the Christ-followers out - all of this crumbled at the dawn of resurrection morning!
Regardless of the stacked odds against you, regardless of the unlikelihood and improbability - you, your dreams and destiny can rise and live again.
2. Your now cannot keep you from your next
At three o’clock Friday afternoon darkness and death dominates, the Lord lays limp and lifeless on a blood-stained tree.
There is no next. It’s over - His family, friends and followers are in disbelief and disillusionment!
But Easter is the author of bringing a wonderful next out of a wounded now.
The story of Easter is about the next that will transcend whatever defines your now.
3. Anyone/anything can be restored
Is Easter just an historic event or is it a pervading and prevailing power and promise for tomorrow.
Easter reiterates this reality - there is not a day - regardless of how dark, dreary -that can stop the sunrise of an Easter dawn.
Resurrection day reminds us that the feelings of fear and failure will end. The tears of memory that are pouring down Mary’s mournful cheeks will be changed to joy and shocking surprise.
If the empty tomb is true and timeless then the question must be asked:
Can Ukraine rise again? Can the wreckage of the Russian invasion be reversed?
Ezekiel asked: Can these bones live again?
Easter gives hope to the hopeless, new beginnings for a supposed end, and a crown for the Crucified One.
Ah, Easter should never be underestimated, understated or undervalued.
Ask the Devil - he’ll tell you of his disarmed demons, defeated principalities and future doom in the lake of fire.
Easter has cosmic consequences!
Randy B. Leavitt