A Christian View of 2022 - #5
The prognostic and pessimistic word is out. 2022 is on course to become dominated by the Devil, crushed by COVID and buried by bad government!
If this world had no Redeemer there would be no reason to think otherwise.
If this world had just evolved without design and destiny; then, fear and fatalism might prevail.
But wait, this is my Father’s world. We do not live on a planet existing by accident, enduring by coincidence - No!
If history has any lesson to teach it is that our lives are:
Under His Care
God, incarnate in Jesus, revealed the caring Creator who clothes the lily, feeds the birds and has His eye is on the sparrow.
So, “how much does the Father care for you?” He asked.
You don’t really think, do you, that God has relinquished control and lost His crown?
Surely, there is no one reading this, who would, for one moment, entertain the thought that Heaven has surrendered and given up on us and turned everything over to Hell’s Chief Strategist?
The long reach of time will tell the story of God’s redeeming and restoring love and power.
God does not act in a rush, act at random or without reason. His blueprint for Creation still has His seal. It has not been discarded, revamped or altered.
The Present Age is progressing in perfect precision according to His Word and Will.
If you could see it from Eternity’s point of view the Cosmos is still “under construction”; and, the plan and power to complete the construction is in the hands of Jesus Christ.
Colossians 1:15-17 NLT
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.
Colossians concludes that the Calendar of all that is, belongs to Jesus. The Father has the times and seasons, dates and events predetermined and circled.
2022 has its boundaries set by the Sovereign Most High God. The nations, their aggressions, their elections, their rise and fall will be formed and framed by the King of the Universe.
So, we wait, we watch, we work, we worship!
“Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.”
Randy B. Leavitt